our areas of expertise
Pre-Trial Civil & Criminal Investigations – AFI assists in locating and interviewing witnesses, locating documents, and assists you and/or your attorney by providing the best environment for success.
Surveillance Experts – AFI covertly and effectively locates and follows the subject(s) by physical and/or GPS surveillance techniques.
Interview and Interrogation Specialists – AFI has a proven track record in successfully interviewing witnesses, ascertaining information and independently verifying that information for accuracy.
Crime Scene Investigations (CSI) - John Gaspar is a Master Crime Scene Investigator and renowned educator in CSI and Criminal Justice (CJ.) AFI offers a full service CSI unit equipped with all modalities needed to provide a full forensic crime scene evaluation.
Forensic Hypnotist – John Gaspar is one of the most experienced forensic hypnotists in the United States and has worked as a forensic hypnotist detective in the NYPD and Flagler County Sherriff’s Office.
Electronic De-Bugging - Eavesdropping is illegal yet it is also a common practice in industry and matrimonial environments. AFI uses the latest equipment to exterminate any “electronic bugs”.
Environmental Investigations – AFI can assist with the documentation of environment crime including, illegal dumping, hazardous waste, mold, asbestos, etc. These types of investigations can assist in civil law suits and criminal prosecution.
Dignitary / Executive / Celebrity Protection – John Gaspar was trained by the U.S. Secret Service to develop and operate plans in order to effectively protect our clients. Mr. Gaspar has trained police in Poland how to protect dignitaries.
Private Investigation Services for:
Attorneys / Insurance Companies / Individuals
Hiring All florida investigations & forensic services, inc. means your concerns are now ours!
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pre-trial services
Whether preparing for civil cases, preparation, gathering and organizing all of the pertinent facts can support a successful outcome. AFI will work together with your Trial Attorney to ensure that all details of your case remain discrete and confidential. AFI investigators work closely with your legal representatives to ensure success in your case. We can perform comprehensive background investigations on pertinent subjects involved in the case. Our services include but are not limited to: locating witnesses, canvassing and interviewing. We also can help obtain subject matter experts that may be required by your legal team.
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Process server
deliver results
Legal disputes and proceedings can become all the more difficult when you can't locate the parties involved or manage to serve them with the necessary documentation. If you're in need of a process server in Daytona Beach, FL who can get the job done, look no further than All Florida Investigations & Forensic Services, Inc. now. We pride ourselves on excellent service and results, and we're ready to show you what sets us apart from the competition.
Photo by vadimguzhva/iStock / Getty Images
matrimonial investigations
suspicious behavior?
No one likes to think about a spouse being unfaithful. But sometimes the signs are too hard to ignore. Whether you need to know the truth as part of divorce proceedings or you just want some peace of mind, you can count on our licensed, professional investigative team in Daytona Beach, FL to conduct a discreet surveillance of your spouse.
Photo by Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Wavebreak Media / Getty Images
background searches
personal and professional
We provide comprehensive Daytona Beach, FL & Nationwide background checks from numerous proprietary civil and criminal databases which provide new information and can confirm the information provided by your candidates.