The Security Guard Checklist

In two recent articles the authors penned for Pl Magazine: "The Checklist:A Simple Yet Essential Guide"

(Issue 194, pp. 12-13: July/August 2024) and "The General Security Checklist" (Issue 195, pp. 20-22: September/October 2024), we discussed the genesis of the checklist and how it is applied in the security and investigative sector. This article discusses the keys to preparing a security guard checklist. An excellent article "The History of Security Guards -A Hankering for History" 1 traces back the evolution

The Domestic Relations Investigative Checklist

Domestic relations investigation is a general term involving a galaxy of investigative exercises that revolve around individuals with problems associated with fraud, theft, abuse, cheating spouses, marital deceit, threats, stalkers, child abuse, missing persons, etc. In this article, we will discuss the keys to preparing a generic domestic relations checklist. Part 1 discusses administrative requirements to conduct the investigation. Part 2 discusses sleuthing equipment required to conduct surreptitious surveillance. Part 3 discusses Florida statute requirements. Part 4 is a list of domestic relations investigative assignments and checklist requirements.